Thursday, March 28, 2013

DB2 for z/OS turns 30 in June

With DB2 11 for z/OS on the horizon, it's a good moment to look back at the first 30 years of DB2. Of course all of you know already that DB2 for z/OS turns 30 on June 7, 2013. I looked it up because the date rang a bell with me. So, it shares its birthday with Damien Hirst, Anna Kournikova, Tom Jones and Prince. That's where I also knew the date from.

But I want to point you to a website and particularly to a publication on that site. The site is 'IBM DB2 Celebrates 30 Years of Superior Technology'. You can find it over here. The site has several tabs with customer stories, resources, IBM DB2 contact persons and a list of events on DB2. It's definitely worth a look.

But, the publication I want to tell you about is 'IBM DB2: The Past, Present and Future: 30 Years of Superior Innovation' that you can find on the right hand side of the Overview page. It's divided into 3 major parts. The first part is a history overview of DB2 by Don Haderle himself and Cynthia Saracco. The second part tells you about 'Planning for IBM DB2 10 for z/OS Upgrade' and the third part is a 'DB2 10 for z/OS Query Optimization Update'.
And there's also a part where people are asked what was their most important moment in DB2 history. You should read it too. That's where the anecdotes are. And I'm glad to see at least three fellow countrymen : Jan Tielemans, Kurt Struyf and Cristian Molaro. I mention them because I want to at least quote one anecdote and it comes from Cristian Molaro. I promise, just one. You'll recognize it, for sure.
Back when we migrated to DB2 Version 6, we DBAs suspected that users were quickly justifying a lot of small incidents by blaming the “new DB2 version.” When we moved to DB2 7, we announced the availability of the new version two weeks after the actual migration. Nobody reported a DB2-related issue in between. After the public notification, things suddenly, and suspiciously, started to fail because of the “new DB2  version.” This was one case where we had to deal more with human expectations than with DB2 itself.

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