Wednesday, September 12, 2012

RealDolmen System z e-zine N° 19

The 19th issue of our RealDolmen System z Newsletter was sent out yesterday. You can download it over here. We decided to switch to just one English version from now on instead of the Dutch and French versions.

If you don't receive our system z e-zine yet, you can subscribe over here. If you have subscribed, but for some reason no longer receive it, please let me know.

The main topic of this issue is of course the zEC12. As a matter of fact, it's pretty much the same as what I wrote earlier over here. But if you want a neatly printed version of it, you can find it here. Next to the zEC12 we also discuss the new release schedule of z/OS.

And as usual there are also some hints, tips, links, an overview of recent announcements, EOS dates of operating systems and an agenda for mainly Belgian events.

Enjoy the reading !

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A couple of videos on zEC12

In my presentation of the zEC12 I referred to a video that walked you through all the components of the new system. I just found out I included the wrong one over there. So, here it is now with Nick Sardino, IBM System z specialist walking you through the interior of the system.

And while I'm at it, there's another video that popped up since with IBM experts discussing new features like Flash Express and IBM zAware :

Price changes for some CICS and IMS versions

On September 1, 2012 IBM announced some price changes. The first one is for CICS : ‘Price Changes on IBM CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V3 and V4 Software Program Products (ZA12-1058)’. Effective with the billing period that starts on or after July 1, 2013, the monthly license charges (MLC) will increase for the following programs and its features : CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Version 3 and CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Version 4. In the meantime IBM also makes the intention to keep supporting CICS TS V3.2 until at least 3Q 2014 and CICS TS V4.2 until at least 3Q 2017.
In general, EMEA prices for these recurring charges (MLC) will increase by 9%.

Another announcement was about IMS : ‘Price Changes on IBM IMS V9 and V10 Database Manager and Transaction Manager Software Program Products (ZA12-1054)’. Effective with the billing period that starts on or after January 1, 2013, the monthly license charges (MLC) will increase for the following programs IMS V9 Database Manager, IMS V9 Transaction Manager, IMS V10 Database Manager, IMS V10 Transaction Manager. IMS V9 will be priced consistent with the price of IMS V10 today, and IMS V10 will be priced consistent with the price of IMS V11.
“Average VWLC and AWLC increases for a 500 MSU configuration will be within a bandwidth of +9% to +11%, depending on the program product and the country. Average EWLC and AEWLC increases for a 150 MSU configuration will be within a bandwidth of +8% to +10% depending on the program product and the country” (< EMEA Newsletter).

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Red Alert : potential exposure for loss of data or data set corruption for DFSMS VSAM/RLS users on z/OS 1.13

Well, life goes on, even after the announcement of a new system. Here's a new Red Alert:

Potential exposure for undetected loss of data or data set corruption for DFSMS VSAM/RLS users on release z/OS 1.13

Users affected:
All zOS 1.13 (HDZ1D10) VSAM/RLS users who are sequentially erasing records from a KSDS while simultaneously updating records via a concurrent request.

Products affected:

It is possible for an inserted or updated record to be unintentionally erased or down leveled if concurrent RLS access of a KSDS has sequential erase activity and inserts/updates taking place at the same time. In order for data to be lost, at least one sequential erase must remove all records in a CI, such that CI reclaim is initiated for that CI. Subsequent sequential requests may then overlay other updates to the data set, causing the previously updated records to be lost. The job that updated the record may not receive an error indication, or may receive unexpected logic errors such as record not found. EXAMINE may also report key sequence errors.

Please see APAR OA40253 for additional information and actions to determine exposure.

Recommended Actions:
Apply ++APAR for OA40253.

If you want to have an overview of all past Red Alerts, then take a look over here. You can also subscribe on that same page so you'll be notified of any future Red Alert.