Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Red Alert - Potential sysplex-wide outage due to XES signalling limit reached for CF Lock structures

Two red alerts in one week ! Read all about it ! Take a look over here.

Applications utilizing a Coupling Facility Lock structure may hang when the sequence number in a XES signal received for a connection to a lock structure reaches the sequence number limit x’FFFFFFFF.’ As a result the application may abend, transactions may begin to time out, or work queues may build to unacceptable levels. While any lock structure or serialized list structure may potentially encounter this issue, the problem has occurred with the DB2 IRLM lock structure and the VSAM RLS (IGWLOCK00) lock structure. Please see APAR OA27487 for further details.

From an operations view there are no XCF/XES messages or displays that surface the sequence number, therefore making it difficult to determine the problem or identify the system requiring recovery.

Recommended Actions:
Please install the PTFs for OA27487 and OA28470 to prevent the problem.

If you want to have en overview of all past Red Alerts, then take a look over here. You can also subscribe on the same page so you'll be notified by mail of any future Red Alert.

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