Monday, August 27, 2012

IBM summer announcements : System z

I actually only want to point out one announcement : 'Software withdrawal and support discontinuance: IBM System z selected products (ZP12-0335)'. I would say, go and have a look at this list of softwares for which support will stop somewhere between August 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014.

I at least want to point out that z/VM 5.4 would originally be supported until September 30, 2013. This has been changed now : "z/VM V5.4 will continue to be supported until December 31, 2014, or until the z9 EC and z9 BC are withdrawn from support, whichever is later". Looking at the mainframe Life Cycle document at Techdocs I assume support on z/VM 5.4 will last (probably considerably) longer than 2014.

So that rounds up my posts about IBM announcements this summer. But . . . who knows what tomorrow will bring . . .

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