I think this is an initiative worth mentioning and I hope it'll be a successfull one. It was cross-posted by Mark Post on the Linux-390, IBMVM, and IBM-Main Discussion lists : "With the assistance of Marist College (and Velocity Software who owns the domain name), I've put up a Wiki at http://wiki.linuxvm.org/wiki/ for people to contribute content". This should become a wiki for mainframe Linux an z/VM and it's now up to people like you and me who want to share their knowledge and experience with the rest of us.
Suggested topics so far include :
- Technical Presentations
- Technical Documentation
- Relevant IBM Redbooks
- Installation on z/VM
- Installation in an LPAR
- Performance Management
- Backup and Restore
- Projects and Software
As I said, I hope this becomes a success story !
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