Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sampling Techdocs : February 2010 - April 2010

Here we are with some new documents from TechDocs I recently came across or found while browsing through the latest publications.
  • White paper : Planning Considerations for Running zAAP Work on zIIPs
    This 6-page white paper gives you a brief but quite complete introduction to the zAAP on zIIP functionality : "This document will review the functions, features and restrictions involved with successfully using this support, (...) called ZAAPZIIP support". It also explains the implementation differences for various z/OS releases.

  • White paper : How to Generate WTO Messages from RMF Performance Exceptions
    RMF allows the definition of performance-based exception thresholds, and displaying these thresholds on the Monitor III Workflow/Exceptions Report in an ISPF session. This paper describes how to surface those exceptions as Write-to-Operator (WTO) messages. This is done by customizing JCL to run the RMF Monitor III session as a started task or batch job.

  • Technical document : Overview of Supported Disk and Tape Storage for Linux on IBM System z10
    Nice summary, reference with not only IBM equipment mentioned.
Well that's it for now. As I always say : just check them out !

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